Friday, February 18, 2011

Running To America

This year Room 3 are running to New York! We are running this far to improve our fitness and to set a goal. The distance to New York is 14650.31 kilometres, so it will be a big challenge. On the first day the class ran 36 kilometres only in fitness time! We can also run in our lunch and spare time. When room 3 gets halfway we will have a shared lunch and when we have run the whole 1465o.55 km we will get a reward.

Reporter: Paris

Oaklands School Swimming Sports

The Year 4 to 8's of Oaklands School held their swimming sports at Jellie Park on the 17 February. There were many events held such as breaststroke, freestyle, butterfly and backstroke as well as a kick-board race. Mr Brown, one of the teachers at Oaklands School, ran the swimming sports. The swimming sports were held from 10 until 2 o'clock. Every one had a great time. Due to the Christchurch Earthquake there are no S-W zones so some Oaklands students are taking part in the canterburys.
We were able to earn house points by being placed in events.
It was great that the Yr 1-3 students were also able to come and have a picnic day at Jellie Park.
We had lots of parents there to share the fun with us.

Reporter: Isabel